Celebrating a New Year of Supporting Our Libraries!

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Library Foundation Author Luncheon Update - 2 Ways to Participate

We’re pleased to announce that ticket holders to this sold-out event will have two ways to participate in our February 3 Author Luncheon. Guests may attend in person at the Municipal Auditorium, or they may watch the program online via live stream.

For those guests attending in person, masks will be required except when eating or drinking.  A link to the online live streaming program will be emailed to ticket holders before the event. Please reach out to us with any questions at 941.404.3139.

We look forward to celebrating with you and Dr. Gates on February 3!

New Year, New Resolutions

Happy New Year! We’re approaching 2022 just as committed to supporting strong public libraries in Sarasota County. What are you committing to in 2022? The new year is a time for resolutions, and making your own resolution doesn’t need to be challenging! One great place to start is by creating a will to protect the people,  community, and causes you love. Using this free resource you can complete this important resolution in 20 minutes or less, and start the new year with peace of mind.

More Books for More Children

We’re privileged to support  Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, an early literacy program that provides free books, every month, to children ages 0 – 5.  Thanks to generous Foundation donors, 200 additional children in Sarasota will be able to enroll in this program in 2022. 

The total number of children in Sarasota now benefiting from the Imagination Library is more than 1,200. Please reach out to Executive Director Alisa Mitchell at 941.404.4985 if you’d like to learn more about supporting this wonderful early literacy initiative.

One Book, One Community

The Library Foundation is delighted to once again partner with the Sarasota County Libraries for the One Book, One Community program.  This free community event takes place February 17 & 18 and will feature William Kamkwamba, author of this year’s One Book selection, “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”.  To learn more, visit scgov.net/onebook or call 941-861-1100.

Sarasota Libraries Are Busier Than Ever!

If you’ve ever wondered if people still use libraries, these 2021 statistics from our Sarasota County Libraries shout a resounding “Yes!”.  A big thank-you to all the hardworking library staff who make our libraries such a wonderful community resource and all the foundation donors who provide so much support.

Great communities

deserve great libraries.

Your tax-deductible gift helps ensure the future of our libraries as an indispensable community resource. Click on the button below to make a credit card donation, or click here to learn about more ways to give. 
Thank you for your generous support. 
Make a Donation Today
The mission of the Library Foundation for Sarasota County is to secure the future of our libraries as an indispensable community service.



The Library Foundation for Sarasota County is a qualified tax exempt charity under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer Services under §496.405, Registration No. CH35489

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A Year Supporting Our Libraries