Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated securities can help you maximize your impact on our libraries while enjoying potential tax benefits.

  • Avoid Capital Gains Tax: Gifting stock avoids federal capital gains tax and most donors can also claim an income tax deduction for the stock's full market value (state & local income tax deductions may also be available in some areas).

  • Make a bigger impact: When you give appreciated stocks directly to the Library Foundation for Sarasota County, your gift can be up to 20% larger because you avoid the taxes you would incur from selling and donating the cash. This means more money going to the work that you support.

To learn more about how gifts of stock can benefit you and our libraries, please contact Alisa Mitchell at or (941) 404-4985.

If you are donating stock or an IRA distribution, please let us know to expect your gift, so we can be sure to credit it to your account and thank you when it arrives.

EIN: 45-2585429 DTC: 2687