So Much Good News for Library Lovers!

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A Wonderful Celebration with Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.!

We're grateful to everyone who supported our 2022 Love Our Libraries Author Luncheon featuring Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., which raised $350,000 to support our Sarasota County public libraries! An audience of more than 500 library lovers helped us celebrate the Foundation's 10th anniversary. A big thank you to our presenting sponsor, the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, and special guest Charlayne Hunter-Gault. 

Advocating for Strong Public Libraries 

Members of our Community Advocacy Team (CAT) met with our elected representatives in Tallahassee January 26-27 to discuss the critical role libraries play in our community. This was part of the Florida Library Association's statewide 2022 Library day.
Thank you to CAT members, Sarabeth Kalajian and Vic Romano, and Chair Peter Pearson for being such wonderful advocates for our libraries! 

A Gift to Honor a Lifetime of Service 

Barbara and Dr. Everett Shocket, Bandung, Indonesia, 1968 
Dr. Everett Shocket served the medical profession as a trusted and skilled surgeon, as a humanistic medical advocate, as a volunteer doctor in underdeveloped countries, and as a multi-talented out-patient physician, throughout a lifetime career spanning seventy years.

When he passed away in July 2020, his wife Barbara decided to honor his lifetime of service with a $50,000 donation to the Library Foundation, to permanently name a conference room at Gulf Gate Library and provide programs related to health, science and veterans issues.

"A gift to the library can benefit so many people, including children who might be interested in science," said Mrs. Shocket when making this generous gift. We are grateful for the opportunity to help pay tribute to Dr. Shocket's extraordinary life. 

Our New Board Member Ava Michalopoulos

We're very happy to welcome our newest student board member, Ava Michalopoulos! Ava is a 9th grader at Pine View and has been visiting Sarasota public libraries for as long as she can remember. To learn more about Ava, including her favorite book, check out her bio on our website. Welcome, Ava! 

Enriching Libraries For Our Youngest Learners

The Bladel Charitable Trust recently made a grant of $10,000 to the Library Foundation to invest in Early Learning Stations. These popular special computers contain dozens of educational programs suitable for children ages 2-8, helping them explore colors, letters, numbers and so much more while becoming familiar with the technology they'll use once they start school. 

"AWE stations build digital literacy skills for our youngest library users," said Director of Libraries and Historical resources, Renee Di Pilato. "This trusted digital platform provides a fun way for children to build vocabulary, establish reading skills and learn how to navigate the digital universe. Thank you to the Bladel Charitable Trust for supporting this initiative with such a generous donation." 

Great communities

deserve great libraries.

Your tax-deductible gift helps ensure the future of our libraries as an indispensable community resource. Click on the button below to make a credit card donation, or click here to learn about more ways to give. 
Thank you for your generous support. 
Make a Donation Today
The mission of the Library Foundation for Sarasota County is to secure the future of our libraries as an indispensable community service.



The Library Foundation for Sarasota County is a qualified tax exempt charity under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer Services under §496.405, Registration No. CH35489

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Celebrating Sarasota Libraries!


Library Foundation For Sarasota County Raises More Than $350,000 at Annual “Love Our Libraries” Author Luncheon