Virtual Library Offerings Needed Now More Than Ever by Minnah Stein


The library has always been there for me when I needed it most. Growing up in Sarasota, the library was always a place where I sought refuge. When I was having a tough time, I would head to the library and sit down in the middle of my favorite aisle and forget about everything that was troubling me.

When I went off to college, I didn’t get to the library as often as I would have liked, but COVID-19 has taught me that just because I can’t be at the library doesn’t mean the library can’t be there for me. Although the libraries in Sarasota County are all open, there are also online options available that make me feel like I’m sitting in my favorite aisle in the library without leaving the safety of my own home.

During quarantine I discovered and fell in love with audio books. The Sarasota County Libraries have a pretty extensive collection that you can access through various reading apps on your phone. Up until a few weeks ago, I didn’t think reading could get any better. Then I checked out my first audio book, Shortest Way Home by Pete Buttigieg, and discovered reading gets better when you get to have the author read it to you the way it was intended to be heard. I enjoyed our time together, Pete! 

My greatest sense of Sarasota community comes from the library. Although we can’t gather in person for amazing library events anymore, it doesn’t mean the sense of community has to be lost. Everything we love about the library is there for us online. Whether you are looking to join an online book club with other passionate community readers, want to attend virtual events to learn a new skill, or need assistance completing a task, the library resources are all there for us online. 

If you’re struggling to pick a book or are in need of literary advice, you can even consult a librarian online. The “Ask a Librarian” resource can be used through text, e-mail, or straight from the website. For more long-term consultation, you can sign up for specialized newsletters that contain recommendations ranging from the New York Times best sellers’ list, to books recommended by the library staff for each month.

For many people just like me, libraries are a safe haven, a place to escape and indulge your imagination. During this tumultuous time, feeling safe and comforted is more necessary than ever. Thanks to new and reimagined ways to connect, there are communities of book lovers and doers waiting for each of us despite the fact we can’t assemble in person. So why don’t you hop on your computer and take a trip down to the library?  

Minnah Stein is a Florida State University Dean’s List student in her senior year. She studies Media & Communications and Film. She is a published writer and a passionate activist, educating students on power-based personal violence. Minnah is a Legislative Aide in the Florida State House of Representatives and works for a political consulting firm. She enjoys reading, playing the banjo, embroidering and watching old movies.



Join us in celebrating our libraries!


Author Susan Orlean on the Importance of Libraries