Library Foundation for Sarasota County Raises $125,000 to Fund a Pop-Up Mobile Library for Underserved Communities

The Library Foundation for Sarasota County has awarded a $125,000 grant to Sarasota County’s public library system to fund a fully equipped, mobile "Pop-Up Library."

The customized outreach vehicle will be the first of its kind in Sarasota County, bringing the library’s technology, books, and programs to communities with limited access to library resources.  

The Pop-Up Library is made possible by the generosity of Library Foundation donors and a $50,000 capping grant from the William G. and Marie Selby Foundation, whose philanthropic contributions total $3 million annually for scholarships and grants benefitting the Sarasota community. 

“The Pop-Up Library extends the library’s reach beyond its physical branches to serve everyone in our community," said Alisa Mitchell, the Library Foundation’s executive director. "We deeply appreciate our donors and the Selby Foundation for making this outreach possible.”

In addition to providing traditional books and materials, the Pop-Up Library will serve as a mobile Wi-Fi center, offer employment services and STEM-based makerspaces, and deliver library programming specific to children, families, and senior citizens.  

Staffed with a full-time librarian and an outreach specialist, the Pop-Up Library will operate five-to-six days per week, with a staggered schedule of nights and weekends.

“The pop-up vehicle will allow our staff to take library resources to underserved communities throughout Sarasota County," said Renee Di Pilato, director of libraries and historical resources. "We are grateful to the Library Foundation and Selby Foundation for supporting such a worthwhile expansion of library services.”


Thank you, Selby Foundation!


Celebrating Sarasota Libraries!